In these pages you will hopefully find interesting tips on how to take advantage of Cairo's many cultural opportunities, with particular attention to live events. Cairo Live Events Guide does not pretend to be exhaustive but will try to cover main events open to the public.

This is a private, independent, nonprofit endeavour. This blog was started in August 2008 by Cairowanderer who has been running it solo up to May 2011. Since then Cairene Beat contributes as well to the blog. If you have any comment, tip, or information you think might be relevant for the blog, please write to or

Read about Cairo Live Events Guide on The Daily News Egypt

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Saying goodbye is seldom a nice experience, but when the time to part comes, saying goodbye is still better than remaining silent.

Cairo Live Event Guide has been online for five years. During this period of time few days have passed without me thinking about it, writing on it, receiving mails about it. Even after my departure from Cairo two years ago it has been, though necessarily less conspicuously, an integral part of my life. But now I have come to a point where the distance and other obligations prevent me from giving CLEG the amount of time and dedication it needs in order to continue to be the blog I wish it to be. So, after a lot of thinking, I decided that it was better to close it, rather than to let it fade away.

Cairo Live Events Guide has been a work of passion, a passion for a city and for its artistic richness. It has contributed to bring Cairo’s cultural life closer to my heart and, given the number of readers and subscribers, I assume to the hearts of many other people too. That was the sole aim of it.

I would like to thank all artists and event organizers that have collaborated with me during these years and wish them all the success they deserve.

The blog comes to an end, ... the passion remains.

Goodbye to you all,