In these pages you will hopefully find interesting tips on how to take advantage of Cairo's many cultural opportunities, with particular attention to live events. Cairo Live Events Guide does not pretend to be exhaustive but will try to cover main events open to the public.

This is a private, independent, nonprofit endeavour. This blog was started in August 2008 by Cairowanderer who has been running it solo up to May 2011. Since then Cairene Beat contributes as well to the blog. If you have any comment, tip, or information you think might be relevant for the blog, please write to or

Read about Cairo Live Events Guide on The Daily News Egypt

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Manasterly Palace

Manasterly Palace on Rhoda Island (also called Manial Island) where the International Music Centre holds its instrumental and Chamber music concerts is one of the finest buildings in Cairo. Waiting for the concert to begin on the balcony on the Nile is just wonderful. The concert hall itself is a Rococo masterpiece. Get there a bit early and you have even the chance to visit (for free) the Nilometer at night, as it stands just in front of the entrance to the palace.
Tickets for the concerts, featuring always outstanding performers, cost 50 EGP. For some concerts it gets full, so it is advisable to get tickets beforehand from the counter at the entrance of the southern tip of the island where the Palace itself, the Nilometer, and the Um Kalsum museum stand. The name of the street is Al Malek as-Salih and is practically Manial's corniche on Cairo side. It is a two-way dead-end street, its end being the entrance gate to the Manasterly Palace compound. Finding a parking space close to the entrance of the Manasterly ground is usually not a problem. If you are coming on foot or by taxi and are on the Corniche al-Nil (Cairo side) you can use a pedestrian bridge that will bring you practically at the entrance of the compound.

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