In these pages you will hopefully find interesting tips on how to take advantage of Cairo's many cultural opportunities, with particular attention to live events. Cairo Live Events Guide does not pretend to be exhaustive but will try to cover main events open to the public.

This is a private, independent, nonprofit endeavour. This blog was started in August 2008 by Cairowanderer who has been running it solo up to May 2011. Since then Cairene Beat contributes as well to the blog. If you have any comment, tip, or information you think might be relevant for the blog, please write to or

Read about Cairo Live Events Guide on The Daily News Egypt

Thursday, October 14, 2010

El Ghad Theatre and Al Baloon Theatre

El Ghad Theatre and the Baloon Theatre stand conveniently close to each other in the district of Agouza, in Giza. Although there are technically two street entrances, one on the Corniche that leads you straight to the entrance of the Baloon Theatre, and one on 26th of July that serves El Ghad, it does not really matter which one you use because there is a courtyard with a public outdoor cafe area before the actual entrances of the theatres; security and tickets are checked only at this point.

The El Ghad theatre is basically a narrow, long, studio room. On the sole occasion I visited there were four rows of office chairs (quite uncomfortable) for a total of no more than 40 seats available. The Al Baloon, on the contrary, is a vast arena-style tent (hence the name) with an extremely large stage. I do not have the exact figure, but I bet it has around one thousand, very comfortable, cinema style seats.

I find that the best way to get there by car is from the Corniche el-Nil (Giza side). If you are coming from the north of town, or from 26th of July St. (Mohandessin/West), the theatres are housed on the first block on your right at the corner of 26th of July. If you are coming from the south, keep left on the corniche and make a u-turn on the ramp of the 15th of May bridge (or, if you work better with reference points, at the first chance after you see the brightly-lit British Council building on your left). The street entrances of the theatre have colourful neon signs in Arabic advertising the latest production.
As it is not permitted to park on the corniche in front of the theatre entrance, take the first right (Sh. Ahmed Afify) and again right (Sh. El Eilaam). You usually find a parking in this area behind the theatre building.

Sadly the area is not served yet by the Metro, and it is not really a nice walk to get there, unless you are living really close. If you do not have a car, I suggest you take a taxi.

Al-Baloon Theatre, Corniche El Nil (Agouza-Giza), (02) 33303183
El Ghad Theatre, Corner 26th of July – Corniche El Nil (Agouza-Giza), (02) 33043187

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