In these pages you will hopefully find interesting tips on how to take advantage of Cairo's many cultural opportunities, with particular attention to live events. Cairo Live Events Guide does not pretend to be exhaustive but will try to cover main events open to the public.

This is a private, independent, nonprofit endeavour. This blog was started in August 2008 by Cairowanderer who has been running it solo up to May 2011. Since then Cairene Beat contributes as well to the blog. If you have any comment, tip, or information you think might be relevant for the blog, please write to or

Read about Cairo Live Events Guide on The Daily News Egypt

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cairo Cultural Salon

Cairo Cultural Salon is a new initiative, where expats and in-tune locals can experience culture together, and meet some new people along the way. They organize dinners and outings to attend events together. If you are interested you can visit their Facebook page, join the group and see what they are up to. I was contacted and presented the project, and it looks not only a commendable idea, but fun too. It seems to me that the promoters have a real passion and the wish to explore and appreciate culture.
I am happy to give my modest contribution by spreading the word through CLEG.


  1. Hi I love CLEG. Is there another way to get in touch with Cairo Cultural Salon as I'm not keen on fb contact

  2. Hi Bootsie,

    This is Lena from the Cultural Salon. Thanks so much for your interest but unfortunately, at this time, Facebook is the only way to get in touch - and it works quite well. We have over 200 members, and it makes it easy to keep track of events and get involved with venues' Facebook pages, like the Opera House, Darb 1718, CineClub, etc. Facebook isn't perfect but it makes event invitation easy, as well as getting the word out - especially in Egypt, where many have recognized the ease and power of the tool. I hope you see the benefits and decide to join us.

    Best to you,

  3. hi i ve sent request to join u r u still thier im keen in joining ur group
