In these pages you will hopefully find interesting tips on how to take advantage of Cairo's many cultural opportunities, with particular attention to live events. Cairo Live Events Guide does not pretend to be exhaustive but will try to cover main events open to the public.

This is a private, independent, nonprofit endeavour. This blog was started in August 2008 by Cairowanderer who has been running it solo up to May 2011. Since then Cairene Beat contributes as well to the blog. If you have any comment, tip, or information you think might be relevant for the blog, please write to or

Read about Cairo Live Events Guide on The Daily News Egypt

Saturday, September 8, 2012

WEEKLY AGENDA MUSIC September 8-14, 2012

Welcome to yet another week of wonderful music - punctuated by many highlights! Dina El Wedidi Saturday at Cairo Jazz, AfriCairo midweek and the Comedy Night on Thursday at Geneina are things to look out for especially! 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

- Mariam Elias in the 100Copies Music Space (Children Songs), 7:00 PM
- Al-Ghouri Tannoura Dance Group at the Ghouri Caravansaray, 7:30 PM
- Celebration of new artistic season in the Main Hall of Cairo Opera House, 8:00 PM
- Varden at the Sawy Culture Wheel, 8:00 PM 
- Dina El Wedidi followed by Malaleem at the Cairo Jazz Club, 9:00 PM
- Bashir (Nubian Fusion) at After Eight, 9:00 PM

Sunday, September 9, 2012

- Religious Songs Recital in the Main Hall of Cairo Opera House, 8:00 PM
- Sahra Band (Rai music) in the Wisdom Hall of El Sawi Cultural Centre in Zamalek, 8:00 PM
- Adam Miller Group (Jazz) at the Cairo Jazz Club, 9:00 PM
- Samaa’ Band led by Intesar Abdel-Fattah at the Ghouri Palace, 8:00 PM
- El-Nil Troupe for folk instruments (Folk music and songs) at Beit Al-Suheimi, 7:30 PM

Monday, September 10, 2012
- DJ Cherry Kate at the Cairo Jazz Club, 9:00 PM
- Al-Ghouri Tannoura Dance Group at the Ghouri Caravansaray, 7:30 PM
- Asala Group at the Wisdom Hall at Sawy Culture Wheel, 8:00 PM
- Salalem (Blues/Funk/Rock) at River Hall at Sawy Culture Wheel, 8:00 PM

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

- The Yeehas followed by The Cadillacs (Rockabilly, Rock&Roll) at the Cairo Jazz Club, 9:00 PM
- Ahmed Ezzat in the River Hall of El Sawi Cultural Centre in Zamalek, 8:00 PM
- DJ Dina El Ghareeb at the After Eight Club, 9:00 PM
- Michelle Rounds at Nile Kempinsky's Jazz Bar, 9:30 PM  
- AfriCairo (traditional Ethiopian & Eritrean) at Makan, 9:00 PM 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

- Gemeza Band at the Open Air Theatre of Cairo Opera House, 8:00 PM
- Heritage Ensemble for Arab Music at the Arab Music Institute, 8:00 PM
- DJ Ramy (Boogie) at the Cairo Jazz Club, 9:00 PM 
- Michelle Rounds at Nile Kempinsky's Jazz Bar, 9:30 PM 
- Al-Ghouri Tannoura Dance Group at the Ghouri Caravansaray, 8:30
- Mazaher Ensemble at the Makan, 9:00

Thursday, September 13, 2012

- Sayed Darwish Choir in the Small Hall of Cairo Opera House, 8:00 PM
- National Arab Music Ensemble in Gomhouria Theater, 8:00 PM
- Buzzz (Funk, Rock) at the Cairo Jazz Club, 9:00 PM
- High on Body Fat & Like Jelly (Comedy & Music) at the Geneina Theater at Azhar Park, 8:00 PM  
- Michelle Rounds at Nile Kempinsky's Jazz Bar, 9:30 PM 

Friday, September 14, 2012

- Abdel Halim Nowera Ensemble for Arab Music commemorates Baligh Hamdy in the Main Hall of Cairo Opera House, 8:00 PM
- Maurice Louca in the 100Copies Music Space, 7:00 PM
- DJ Migo (Vocal House, Electro) at the Cairo Jazz Club, 9:00 PM
- Michelle Rounds at Nile Kempinsky's Jazz Bar, 9:30 PM 
- Mashrou3 Darb El Mareekh (Open Mic) at Darb 17 18, 9:00 PM

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